Application links below, first come first served:  (please note applications will not be taken before 9am 1st June 2025)

For more information and to book email info@poledanceireland.com

After submitting application, please wait for an email from Pole Dance Ireland to confirm  if you have successfully secured a place.


The PDIP will have 5 highly-experienced judges for pole & 4 for aerial hoop.
Judges will be announced on social media prior to the competition.
In the event of one of the judges being unable to attend, a substitute judge will take their place. Competitors will be notified of any such changes as soon as a substitute is confirmed.
Judging Elements : All competitors will be judged on the following elements:

– Technical – Artistic & Choreography

Competitors will be awarded marks against the above elements in the following proportions, based on category of entry. Full details of what will be considered for each element is provided below in the Judging Guidelines section.


The athlete with the score closest to the highest possible score is the overall winner. Single points & half points can be given.

❖ Technical – Maximum of 100 points

❖ Artistic Expression & Choreography – Maximum of 100 points

Scoresheets will be collected and tallied after each competitor has performed. Once judging has finished, no scores or discussions can be made to alter the results.
Judges must not discuss judging or results with athletes/competitors. There are 2-3 judges per score category: Technical score & Artistic score
Eg 3 Judges will only judge Technical while the other 3 will judge artistic. This is to make sure there is genuine scoring happening.

Winners will be awarded first, second and third prize.


Athleticism and Technical Difficulty — (50% of overall score )

Strength moves (25% of Technical Score) eg., handsprings, aerial holds, inversions.
Flexibility (25%) eg., splits (on and off the pole / hoop), strong extensions.
Versatility (25%) eg., aerial moves, spins, floor work, balanced use of both static and spinning poles / hoop.
Dynamic movement (25%) eg., drops, powerful spins.

Artistic Expression and Choreography — (50% of overall score)

Flow and Transitions (25% of Artistic Score) e.g., finishing of moves, smooth transitions on the pole/hoop and off the pole/hoop.
Musicality (25%)Routine should include changes in intensity and dynamics to match the music.
Originality (25%) Out of the ordinary moves that shows creativity and inventiveness.

Stage presence (25%) eg. Comfort on stage, crowd appeal, a distinct personal style.